Our Programs

Trap, Neuter, Release - We partner with local spay/neuter clinics to manage the population and welfare of outdoor community cats in the city of Winchester, Berryville, Boyce and Frederick County. After humanely trapping adult cats, this is done through a program of spay/neuter to end the cycle of endless pregnancies and kittens. It also includes vaccinations and other medical care. Cats are then released back to their colonies, where they are given food and shelter by caregivers.

Kitten Foster Program - Kittens less than 8 weeks old born to stray and abandoned cats can often be socialized and adopted into loving homes. Our volunteers provide safe housing, food and medicine for these kittens. When they are old enough, they are vaccinated, spayed or neutered and, with the help of our partner groups like the SPCA and others, are adopted to loving homes.

Colony Caregiver Program - CCA collects food donations to help CCA volunteers feed colonies they care for and to assist other colony caregivers with food. Currently we have partners with the town of Middletown (Mayor’s office, 7875 Church Street, Middletown, VA 22645) to collect food for cats and kittens through the end of April. We also can accept donations at City National Bank (1830 Valley Avenue, Winchester, VA 22601). Food can be dropped off or shipped to these locations.
